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Posts Tagged ‘Deleting SSP’

Unable to Delete Share Service Providers (SSP) in SharePoint 2007 (MOSS)

Posted by fillzephyr on June 23, 2009

I am trying to delete two SSP from my environment and I am always getting this error:

An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, “SharedResourceProvider Parent=SPFarm”, could not be deleted because other objects depend on it.  Update all of these dependants to point to null or different objects and retry this operation.  The dependant objects are as follows:

– here I don’t see any dependencies (that’s really makes me wonder what’s happening)

I tried both ways to delete SSPs from central admin as well as using STSADM command:

stsadm –o deletessp –title “SSPName”

When I go to the Manage this Farm’s Shared Services Then my both SSPs are shown as unprovisioning.

I went through this simple way of deleting ssp.

First of all I find the Object id of my SSP. To come out through this I open the SQL Server Management Studio gone to the Objects table.

Under Databases>sharepoint_config_DBName > tables > dbo.Objects

And run the following select query

SELECT * FROM [SharePoint_Config_ DBName].[dbo].[Objects]

where name like ‘SSPName’

and find out the ID of my ssp.

Then I run the following stsadm command:

Stsadm -o deleteconfigurationobject -id “id retrieved from object table”

And still it gives me the same above error.

(In most of the cases after running above cmd when you try to delete SSP it works , but not in my case)

I then try this other way:

I find out that the object status of my ssp is “3” which should be 0 by default, so to convert it to 0 I run the following update query on my objects table

UPDATE [SharePoint_Config_ DBName].[dbo].[Objects]

SET [Status] = 0 WHERE objects.name=’SSPName’

It sets my status to 0.

When I go to the Manage this Farm’s Shared Services and refresh it the unprovisioning warning sign gone.

Now I tried to delete ssp using stsadm still the same error and the ssp shows unprovisioning warning sign again. I check in the object table and it shows me the status update to 3. I again change the status and make it to 0.

Now I want to delete the row with the object id of my ssp as I feel it’s an orphaned. I find the object id running select query.

SELECT * FROM [SharePoint_Config_ DBName].[dbo].[Objects]

where name like ‘SSPName’

then find the dependencies running the following query on dependencies table loacte

Under Databases>sharepoint_config_DBName > tables > dbo. Dependencies

SELECT * FROM [SharePoint_Config_DBName].[dbo].[Dependencies]

where [ObjectId] = ‘EBE75FD3-4EA3-4BF0-BC15-E796A0F7BC21’

check the dependencies.

Then delete it using the following query on dependencies table

Under Databases>sharepoint_config_DBName > tables > dbo. Dependencies

DELETE FROM [SharePoint_Config_ DBName].[dbo].[Dependencies]

WHERE [ObjectId] = ‘EBE75FD3-4EA3-4BF0-BC15-E796A0F7BC21’

Now I try to delete the unnecessay SSP and it is deleted through the Central Admin.

Hope it will help you out in issues of deleting the SSP.


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